Sunday, November 14, 2010

Unexpected visitor

Today at coffee time (3pm, daily Costa Rican custom) we were sitting on our porch and Jorge, my husband said, "hey look, a Black Faced Solitaire is on the sloth perch" I glanced over and sure enough, there he was. The sloth perch/tree sits right in our front yard. "Oh gosh," I jumped up and quickly went around to our 5 solitaires to make sure it was not one of ours that had escaped or that the cage had not been eaten by a squirrel (as happened last week to a good friend of mine) and ours were all accounted for.

So, this was interesting: they are at higher elevations, so we discussed the idea that maybe he had come down the mountain...a possibility, but more likely he had escaped from some neighbor or someone local that had we waited to see what he was going to do. We have lots of papaya on a table feeder in the yard, so we thought he could eat there and we sat back to observe. Within 3 minutes he was on our porch trying to get into one of our other birds cages. He was aiming at the papaya and was hungry. So, I ran out back to our storage, grabbed a bamboo cage like the ones they are always in and placed a nice chunk of papaya in it. Came back to the porch, hung the cage up and zoom, he was in it. Poor thing was very hungry. I don't know his story, but he must belong to someone. We will wait and see if any neighbor comes by asking for him.

These are the song birds that we have received so many of, probably 30 total and most we are able to release if they have been recently captured...but this guy today was very comfortable with the cage, even looking to be in one. Very sad that he cannot enjoy his freedom, that being free is foreign to him. Of course, he was attracted to our birds who are constantly singing, so he came to the right place...somehow they just know :)

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