Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentine Sloths!

Happy Valentines Day!

We woke up early this morning with a 6.0 earthquake and all the birds throwing themselves around the enclosures, even Issy the monkey was calling to us...always makes my heart pound!

Many of you know that I was in the hospital for a few days after a nasty sloth bite! Well, I am happy to report that I am home and I am fine, after several rounds of antibiotics!
Which brings me to the following! Please send this youtube video around to everyone on your lists, it's a Valentines greeting, a bit of fun but with a serious message.

Adopt a Sloth! To improve the health and quality of life for these special animals, we are making a major push to build the sloth enclosures. They'll finally be out of the house, which will allow the adult sloths much needed space.

Sloth adoptions start at $50. You'll get to adopt your own sloth and follow it on Facebook. At $100 or more, we will send a special photo to you of your sloth. Your support at any level will help us care for these amazing animals, and support the building of a first class home for them.

Sloths have been all over the news lately with the hollywood star Kristen Bell having a "Sloth meltdown" Just type it in to youtube or google to see some funny footage!

So we are dedicating this card to her... those of you with twitter accounts please post this as she is on twitter!

If the link does not work: Please go to , type in slothmom channel and you will see a cute video clip of Ty and Twili .

Happy Valentines Day, enjoy the photos and don't forget to Adopt A Sloth by clicking on our website and making a donation thru Pay Pal.

Please post this on Facebook pages, twitter and send it all around, we need more folks to become involved!

Leslie, Jorge, and the Sloths...Millie, Milo, Georgie, Ty and Twili

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